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Showing posts from November, 2023

Cirrhosis of Liver, Causes,Symptoms,Diagnosis and Treatment

  The liver is a very important organ of the body. It filters blood coming from the digestive tract and then passes it to the rest of the body. It produces bile that helps the removal of toxic wastes and breaks down fats during digestion. The liver makes proteins important for the blood plasma. The liver ensures the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. 1.  What is the cirrhosis of the liver? 2.   How serious is this medical condition?   3.  whether it is curable?  4.  What causes it?  are some of the questions that come to the minds of the people who are worried about their liver health.  Cirrhosis of liver :- Cirrhosis of the liver occurs when it is exposed to excessive alcohol consumption or a person is a hepatitis patient. It is a late stage of scarring ( fibrosis).  The liver has the tendency to repair itself whenever some damage is done to it by alcohol or any other disease.  In the process of repair,...

Skin cancer,Types,Causes,Stages, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Skin Cancer? Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that damages the surrounding tissues and obstructs the normal functioning of the organs concerned.  Overexposure of the skin to the sun can create conditions of the growth of cancerous cells. However, skin cancer can also occur in the areas which are not generally exposed to the sun. There are two main categories of skin cancer. 1.  Keratinocyte carcinoma:- The parts of the body which have greater exposure to the sunlight are most likely to develop this type of skin cancer. The head and neck have a high risk. This type of cancer is a very common type of skin cancer. If the patient receives treatment in its early stage there are little chances of its spread or its becoming life-threatening but if left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body. It can also grow larger and become dangerous. 2.  Melanoma: - It is the second category of skin cancer that develops in the cells which are responsible for the colou...

Brain Tumor , Brain Cancer - Types , Symptoms , Causes , Diagnosis and Treatment .

Brain Tumor:-    O ver and excessive growth of cells creating a mass in the brain is called a brain tumor. The tumors in the brain could be either   cancerous or non- cancerous.    Non- cancerous brain tumors are called benign while cancerous brain tumors are called malignant tumors.  If the tumor in the brain originates in the brain itself then it is called a primary brain tumor. Sometimes cancerous development of cells in other parts of the body can spread to the brain then it is called secondary or metastatic brain tumors. Malignant brain tumors grow rather fast and affect the normal functions of the body and if proper medical care is not provided in time the life of the patient could be in danger. However, the chances of brain cancer in one's lifetime are very low. Types:- In the normal process old cells die out and new cells are formed to ensure growth and repair of the body tissues. Sometimes new cells start forming without the requirement thus crea...

Breast Cancer , Causes , Symptoms , Stages and Treatment

         Breast cancer:-                                 Uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells in the breast leads to breast cancer. It is mainly found in women but in rare cases, men also develop breast cancer. It is the most common invasive cancer in women and after lung cancer, it is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. Research, awareness, and advances in technology have led to better diagnosis methods and treatment resulting in a substantial decline in death and an increase in survival rates. Technology has helped in earlier detection of disease, personalized approach towards treatment, and in-depth analysis of the case . Symptoms:-  1. A rash around the nipples. 2.A lump or thickening in the breast giving different feelings from surrounding tissues.  3. Change in the shape and size of the breast. 4. Peeling, flaking or scaling on the skin of ...

Diabetes , Causes , Symptoms and Treatment .

Diabetes:-                                          Diabetes is a medical condition wherein the body accumulates sugar more than the permissible limits. Food eaten by us is converted into blood sugar or blood glucose. This blood glucose or blood sugar is the source of energy of the body. This blood sugar is absorbed by the cells of the body with the help of insulin. The insulin is produced in the pancreas. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to transfer blood sugar to cells of the body or in some cases insulin does not respond to the body cells then blood sugar begins to accumulate in the blood. This build-up sugar in the body over a limit creates a medical condition known as Diabetes. The high blood sugar level is very dangerous and toxic as it can damage many organs of the body like the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys. Body cells also do not get the e...

Bone Tuberculosis, Bone TB, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

  Whats is Bone TB:-      Tuberculosis is  an infectious disease caused by the bacteria k nown as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is now curable if detected in its early stage and treated well.  Generally, TB infects lungs but in cases, it can spread to other parts of the body. This is called extrapulmonary tuberculosis ( EPTB ). Bone tuberculosis is that affects the spine, the long bones, and the joints. The bone TB generally affects the spinal column but it can infect any bone in the body of the patient. It generally affects joints like the hip and knee. It can also infect the ankle, elbow, wrist, and shoulder. Pott's disease is the name given to the common form of spinal bone TB. Causes of bone TB:- TB generally spreads from person to person through the air. When the tuberculosis infection spreads from the lungs of a patient through the blood or lymph nodes to his bones, spine or joints.  The occurrence of bone TB across the globe is rare b...

Neuralgia, Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

  What is Neuralgia?  What are the causes of Neuralgia?  What are the symptoms of Neuralgia?  What is the Treatment? Add caption What is Neuralgia:- Severe or mild pain in any part of the body caused by the damaged or irritated nerve is known as Neuralgia. In mild Neuralgia cases affected body parts function normally but in case of severe neuralgia, a patient may not be able to perform his or her routine everyday task. Causes of Neuralgia:- Main causes of Neuralgia include the following - 1.  Pressure on nerves from bones, vessels, or tumours. 2.  Infections like shingles, HIV, Lyme disease. 3.  A kidney or diabetes patient may develop symptoms of  Neuralgia. 4.  Old age Types of Neuralgia:- Neuralgia can affect any part of the body therefore doctors categorise the Neuralgia according to the parts of the body it affects. Some of them are as follows- Trigeminal Neuralgia:- Trigeminal nerves in the brain send signals to the face, mouth, teeth, ...

Rheumatism,Rheumatoid Arthritis,Symptoms,Causes,Treatment

  What is Rheumatism? Rheumatism is a painful chronic medical condition of muscles, joints, bones, ligaments and tendons. It can affect a number of body parts like skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. There are many types of arthritis which have common symptoms like - Symptoms:- 1.  Joint pain  2.  Loss of motion in a joint or joints. 3.  Inflammation like redness, swelling warmth in the affected area 4.  Stiffness 5.  Swelling around joints 6.  Feeling unwell Causes:- Causes of rheumatism are largely yet to be established. Doctors believe that it happens when the immune system of a person by mistake attacks his own tissues. Some patients have this problem in their genes. External factors like cigarette smoking, pollution or something like that cause an infection. Osteoarthritis:- Osteoarthritis happens when there is damage to cartilage, the soft material at the joints of bones. It wears down mainly due to the old age,  the joints beco...