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Breast Cancer , Causes , Symptoms , Stages and Treatment

       Breast cancer:-

                         Breast Cancer, Guardian Angel, Hope     Uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells in the breast leads to breast cancer. It is mainly found in women but in rare cases, men also develop breast cancer. It is the most common invasive cancer in women and after lung cancer, it is the second leading cause of cancer death among women.

Research, awareness, and advances in technology have led to better diagnosis methods and treatment resulting in a substantial decline in death and an increase in survival rates. Technology has helped in earlier detection of disease, personalized approach towards treatment, and in-depth analysis of the case.


1. A rash around the nipples.

2.A lump or thickening in the breast giving different feelings from surrounding tissues. 

3. Change in the shape and size of the breast.

4. Peeling, flaking or scaling on the skin of the breast or nipples.

5. Pain in the armpit or breast.

6. Inverted nipple.

7. Pitting or redness of the skin over the breast as seen the skin of an orange.

8. Abnormal discharge from the skin.Cavitacion, Lipolaser, Cosmeatria


No one factor can be singled out to be the cause of breast cancer. It is rather a result of a combination of factors like our lifestyle, gene, and the environment that cause breast cancer. Certain risk factors are there which increases the risk of developing breast cancer.


Growing age creates the possibilities of many health issues. Around 80% of cases of breast cancer occur among women who are over 50 years and have been through menopause.

Family history:-

The chances of breast cancer increase if there has been breast cancer or ovarian cancer in any of the relatives. Genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2 can pass on from parents to a child that increases the risk of both breast and ovarian cancer. Genes like TP53 and CHEK2 have also been found to increase the risk of breast cancer.

Previous breast cancer or lump:-

If one has a previous history of having breast cancer or cancer cells changes then the risk of developing breast cancer again is higher. Lump in the breast or any abnormal change in breast tissues does not always mean cancer but the risk of developing breast cancer becomes higher.

Dense breast tissues:- 

There are thousands of glands in the breast to produce the milk. These milk glands have a higher concentration of cells in comparison to other parts of the breast. A woman with dense breast tissues is at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Hormone and hormone medicine:-

The ovaries where the eggs are stored, produce estrogen to regulate the period at the time of puberty. This exposer of the body to estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer but only over a long period of time. Women not bearing a child or bearing very late have longer exposure to estrogen, are at higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Hormone replacement therapy:-

Hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of developing breast cancer.


The doctor takes the help of a no of tests and procedures to confirm the presence of breast cancer

Breast exam:-The doctor checks the lumps and other symptoms of breast cancer.

Imaging tests:-Mamogram:- It's like an X-ray through which a  doctor conducts breast screening to detect any lump or abnormalities. However further tests are required to establish breast cancer.

Ultrasound:- With this scan method of ultrasound the doctor differentiates between a tumor and fluid-filled cyst.

MRI:- Different images of the breast are combined by the doctor to ascertain the cancerous lump or any other abnormalities in the breast.

Biopsy:- Tissues from the breast are taken by the doctor for laboratory tests to find out if there are cancerous cells. The type of cancer can also be identified.


There are different types of breast cancer -

1. Ductal carcinoma:- It is the most common type. It begins in the milk ducts.

2. Lobular carcinoma:- It starts in lobules.

When cancer cells break out lobules or ducts and spread to nearby tissues, this is called invasive breast cancer. It increases the risk of cancer spreading to other parts.

When cancerous cells remain inside the place of its origin, they are called non-invasive breast cancer. However, it can develop into invasive breast cancer in the future.


Treatment of breast cancer depends on many factors.

Age and health of the patient.

The stage and type of cancer.

Patient's sensitivity to hormones.

The patients have the following options for treatment.


Chemotherapy is administered to kill the cancerous tumor or to shrink it so that it could be easily removed after surgery

Radiation therapy:- The tumor is targeted with controlled doses of radiation to kill the cancerous cells


If the doctor finds it necessary he may advise the patient for surgery. There are types of surgery.

1. Lumpectomy:-

Tumor along with some healthy tissues around it is removed to prevent further spread of cancer. 

2. Mastectomy:- 

The surgeon will remove fatty tissues, nipples, lobules, ducts, areola, and some skin. Sometimes lymph nodes and muscle in the chest are also removed. After surgery, the surgeon reconstructs the breast to give it a natural look.

Hormone blocking therapy:-

Hormone blocking therapy is an option when the patient is not fit enough to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. This therapy is generally used to prevent hormone-sensitive breast cancers from returning after treatment.

Cancer patients are advised to consult only expert medical professionals about all the possible risks involved and side effects.


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