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Skin cancer,Types,Causes,Stages, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Skin Cancer?

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that damages the surrounding tissues and obstructs the normal functioning of the organs concerned. 

Overexposure of the skin to the sun can create conditions of the growth of cancerous cells. However, skin cancer can also occur in the areas which are not generally exposed to the sun.

There are two main categories of skin cancer.

1.  Keratinocyte carcinoma:-

The parts of the body which have greater exposure to the sunlight are most likely to develop this type of skin cancer. The head and neck have a high risk. This type of cancer is a very common type of skin cancer.

If the patient receives treatment in its early stage there are little chances of its spread or its becoming life-threatening but if left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body. It can also grow larger and become dangerous.

2.  Melanoma:-

It is the second category of skin cancer that develops in the cells which are responsible for the colour of the skin.  These colour giving cells are known as melanocytes. The melanocytes cells form benign moles which can develop into a cancerous growth. 

Though melanoma can develop in any part of the body among men the moles can generally in chest and back while women are most likely to develop on their legs.

If identified and treated in the early stage the most of melanoma can be cured. If left untreated for a long time the cancerous cells can spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of skin cancer:-

There are several types of skin cancer and they do not share common symptoms. The abnormal changes occurring to the skin can be a signal to some type of skin cancer. Taking the initial symptoms seriously can help in early diagnosis and timely treatment. General symptoms of skin cancer as follows-

1.  An unusual growth like a bump, sore, dark spot or scaly patch or a new mole.

2.  The two halves of lesion or moles are not identical.

3.  The lesions have ragged or uneven edges.

4.  There is an unusual colour like white, pink, black, blue or red.

5.  The spot could be about the size of a pencil eraser.

6. It can be observed that the mole is changing size, colour, or shape. 

Causes of skin cancer:-

Development of mutation in the DNA of skin cells can result in any of the two skin cancers. Due to mutation, there is an abnormal growth of skin cells that forms a mass of cancer cells.

Ultraviolet(UV) rays from the sun or tanning beds cause basal cell skin cancer. The UV rays damage the DNA of skin cells which leads to abnormal growth of cancerous cells. Overexposure to UV rays can also cause squamous cell skin cancer.

Long term exposure to certain chemicals can also lead to squamous cell skin cancer. Burn scar or ulcer can also create conditions for the occurrence of skin cancer. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) also cause some type of skin cancer.

The research has not been able to establish the real cause of melanoma skin cancer. Most of the moles do not turn into melanomas but some do. Melanomas can also be caused by UV rays. Strangely melanomas can develop in the parts of the body which are not generally exposed to UV rays or sunlight.

Treatment of skin cancer:-

The treatment plan is made by the doctor on the basis of factors like the size, location, type, and stage of skin cancer. Following treatment is normally recommended-

1.  Cryotherapy:- The cancerous growth is frozen with the help of liquid nitrogen then it is allowed to thaw. In the process, the affected tissues are destroyed.

2.  Excisional surgery:- The abnormal growth and some of the surrounding healthy tissue are removed surgically.

3.  Mohs surgery:- A process is applied under which the cancerous cells of the skin are removed layer by layer till there are no abnormal cells are left. This process is conducted through microscopic examination.

4.  Curettage and electrodesiccation:- The cancerous cells are removed with the help of a spoon-shaped 

blade and if some cells are still left, they are burned through the electric needle.  

5.  Chemotherapy:- Cancer cells are killed through the administration of strong drugs orally or through injection.

6.  Photodynamic therapy:- Cancer cells are destroyed through the use of laser light and drugs.

7. Radiation:- Cancer cell are killed by using high powered energy beams.

8.  Biological therapy:- Doctor makes an effort to stimulate the immune system of the patient through the biological treatment so that he/she can fight cancer.

9.  Immunotherapy:- An effort is made through the application of a cream to stimulate the immune system to destroy the cancerous cells.

Diagnosis of skin cancer:-

If there is some suspicious spot or growths on the skin or there is a change in existing spot or growth consult the doctor.

The doctors normally examine the shape, size, texture and colour of the affected area on the skin. The doctor will also examine whether there are scaling, bleeding, or dry patches. The doctor may conduct a biopsy to ascertain the presence of skin cancer.

The doctor may get some portion of suspected skin removed to conduct a lab testing to ascertain whether it is skin cancer.

Once the skin cancer diagnosed, the doctor performs further tests to check the progress of skin cancer. Then the treatment plan is made on the basis of type and stage of the skin cancer apart from other factors.


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