What is Ovarian Cancer?
What is Ovarian Cancer:-?
Cancer is the abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body and from there the cancerous cells can travel to other parts of the body.
The female reproductive system contains two ovaries on each side of the uterus. The ovaries produce eggs and certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer is found in ovaries.
In the beginning stage of its growth, ovarian cancer is mostly unknown. When ovarian cancer travels to other parts like pelvis and abdomen, it is already at a late-stage. At this stage, it is very difficult to treat it.
If ovarian cancer is diagnosed at an early stage it has a better possibility of successful treatment. Doctors generally advise chemotherapy and surgery.
In the beginning phase of its growth, there are hardly any symptoms visible but at an advanced stage some symptoms do appear but they are taken as a benign medical condition. Some symptoms of ovarian cancer are as follows.
1. Weight loss.
2. Bloating or swelling in the abdomen.
3. While eating the patient feels quickly full.
4. Feeling of uneasiness in and around the pelvis area.
5. Constipation.
6. Frequent urination.
Any person having any or some of those symptoms must visit the specialist medical professional without losing time. The patients with a family history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer must be extra careful about the risk involved.
The causes of ovarian cancer are not known, however, the presence of certain conditions may increase the chances of the disease.
Mutation in DNA leads to abnormal growth of cancerous cells that create a tumorous mass. In the course of time, the cancerous cells affect the nearby tissues then spread to other parts of the body.
Types of Ovarian Cancer:-
The cells where cancer originates determine the type of cancer. The types of ovarian cancer are as follows.
1. Epithelial Tumors:-
More than 90% of ovarian patients have epithelial tumours. Cancer begins in the thin layers of tissues that cover the outside of ovaries.
2. Stromal Tumors:-
These tumours originate in ovarian tissues that contain hormone-producing cells. These tumours, unlike many others, are detected in their early stage. It is found that on an average 7% of ovarian cancers fall in this category.
3. Germ Cell Tumours:-
Egg producing cells sometimes gave rise to tumourous growth. It is most likely to occur among younger women.
There are many factors which increase the risk of ovarian cancer such as
1. Family history- Those persons are at higher risk who have ovarian cancer in some of their close relatives.
2. Age of Menstruation:-
Women who have their menstruation at an early stage or menopause at a very late-stage or both, are at higher risk of ovarian cancer.
3. Old Age:-
Women in the age group of 50 to 60 years are at higher risk of ovarian cancer.
4. Gene mutation inherited from the parents also cause ovarian cancer. Breast cancer gene1 and breast cancer gene 2 are mainly responsible for increasing the risk of ovarian cancer.
5. Long term use of estrogen hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of ovarian cancer.
There is no way to eliminate completely the risk of ovarian cancer but some precautions can reduce the risk.
1. One must consult the doctor before taking birth control pills as it might increase the risk of ovarian cancer however oral contraceptives have reduced risk but the opinion of the doctor is of utmost importance. So the doctor must be consulted.
2. Women with a family history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer must bring it to the knowledge of the doctor as only he can determine the degree of the risk involved. The doctor can refer you to a genetic counsellor who can decide whether genetic testing is required.
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