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Ischemic heart disease , Coronary artery disease , CAD,symptoms,causes , treatment

 1.  What is Ischemic heart disease?

2.  What is Coronary artery disease?

3.  CAD

Ischemic heart disease or Coronary artery disease or CAD are the different names of the same disease. It is related to our hearts. Though very serious but very common.

The blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood to the heart to keep it pumping are called coronary arteries. Sometimes fatty material ( plaque ) builds up in these arteries causing them to become narrow and stiffen. In medical terms, it is called atherosclerosis. 

Narrowing and stiffening of the blood vessels disrupt the blood supply to heart muscles which cause pain and discomfort to the patient. This medical condition is called angina.

A patient suffers a heart attack when a piece of the plaque is broken causing the formation of blood clots in the artery. This stops the blood from reaching part of the heart muscle. This condition is also called a myocardial infarction.


In the initial phase, no symptoms are generally visible. Narrowing of arteries may cause chest pain and uneasiness when the heart is working harder due to some physical work like going upstairs. The major symptoms are as follows.

1.  Breathlessness during some physical activity.

2. The patient experiences tightness, heaviness, and discomfort in the chest slowly spreading to the back, neck, shoulders, and jaws.

3. A person in his initial phase of CAD feels discomfort in arms, neck, and jaw.

Sometimes the symptoms are so silent that a person discovers the disease only when he suffers a heart attack.

Causes and risk factors:-

There are a number of risk factors that may cause coronary artery disease. Some risk factors can be controlled while there are many which are beyond our control.

1.  Smokers are more likely to develop coronary artery disease. The inhaled smoke damages the linings of the arteries leading to the build-up of fatty material. It narrows the arteries and makes the blood clot.

2.  Bad eating habits and lifestyle can increase the level of cholesterol in the body. It can speed up the build-up of the fatty material in the body. 

3.  A patient of high blood pressure is more likely to develop coronary artery disease as the blood pressure can damage the arteries.

4.  A diabetes patient has greater chances of coronary artery disease and heart attack. Managing diabetes can lower risk.

5.  Regular exercise can lower the risk of ischemic heart disease or CAD.

6.  A healthy and balanced diet that gives all nutrients along with maintaining a proper weight.

7.  A person suffering from long term stress is at high risk of stroke.

8.  Alcoholic people or heavy drinkers are at high risk of ischemic heart disease.


1.  Following the instructions of the doctor is of utmost importance.

2. Taking medicine as prescribed. 

3.  Making lifestyle changes like quitting smoking.

4.  Changes in dietary habits to drastically reduce cholesterol levels.

5.  If the heart patient has diabetes he must manage his sugar level.

6.  blood pressure must be brought under control.

7.  Alcoholic patients should reduce their daily intake to one drink only. 

8.  Some exercise and activity will help in reducing cholesterol levels but only if the doctor advises.

Balloon angioplasty and stent or drug-eluting stent placement:-

The cardiologists use a long thin tube  ( catheter) that is passed through a blood vessel to treat the plaque build-up within the vessel wall.

Bypass Surgery ( CABG ):-

Bypass surgery is conducted to bypass the clogged arteries through a blood vessel graft to restore the normal flow of blood to the heart. Through this graft, a new pathway is created to carry oxygenated blood to the heart. These grafts are taken from the arteries and veins of the patient's body.

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP ):-

If the heart specialist finds the patient's medical conditions not suitable for other treatments like stenting, bypass surgery, or angioplasty, he may recommend EECP to stimulate the formation of small branches of blood vessels to create a natural bypass around blocked arteries. It is a non-invasive treatment.

Patients of coronary artery disease must-visit cardiologists regularly to keep a watch on the progress of the treatment.


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