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Lung cancer , causes , symptoms and treatment


   The Lung Cancer:-   

   The body has an auto system under which old cells die or become worn out over the period of time and new cells are formed to replace them. This process goes on in a very balanced manner. The problem arises when cells start growing beyond a limit or out of control.  

These fast-growing cells take the form of a tumor that causes problems in the body. Cancer cells can also travel to other parts of the body where they can create tumors. This process is called metastasis. 

Lungs are two cone-shaped spongy organs in the chest through which breathing takes place. It takes in oxygen and releases corban dioxide in the process of breathing. People with smoking habits or people who have exposure to smoke are more likely to develop lung cancer but this does not mean non-smokers can not have lung cancer. The risk of lung cancer increases with the length of time 

Tumors are of two types one benign and other malignant. Benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body and they are removed by the doctors. When doctors talk about cancer they actually mean malignant tumors.

 Malignant tumors grow very aggressively at the point of their origin and if the cells enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system they can travel to other parts of the body where new tumors could be formed. This process of spread of cancerous cells to other parts of the body and the formation of new tumors is called metastases. 

 Lung cancer has a tendency to spread, it is life-threatening and very difficult to treat. Lung cancer can spread to any part of the body but certain organ-like adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bones are more likely to be affected. 

Tumors cells in other parts of the body can also travel to the lungs to form cancerous growth there but this will not be lung cancer but the cancer of the original site. 

Lung cancer is formed in the tissues of the lung particularly in the cells of the air passages. The majority of lung cancer deaths both in men and women occur due to this. 

There are two types of lung cancer one small cell lung cancer and the other is non-small cell lung cancer but the latter is more common.  The two types of cancers have different growth and they need different treatments.

Common Causes:- 


Tobacco smoking is responsible for more than 90% of the cases of lung cancer among men and over 80 % of cases among women. It is the major cause of lung cancer. It depends on how long one has been smoking and how many cigarettes per day.  Risk can increase drastically if one smokes too much along with drinking alcohol daily. Those who take beta carotene supplements come under the high-risk zone. Those who have stopped smoking will still have higher risks than those who have never been a smoker.


According to the American Lung Association exposure to radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas is the second major cause of lung cancer. Radon is colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which is naturally present in the atmosphere, especially in homes, schools, and workplaces. Around 3-14% of the cases of lung cancer are caused by radon gas. Radon enters the homes through cracks in the floor,  wall junctions, gaps around pipes, or cables, etc. 


Symptoms of lung cancer are found in different people differently. Some people have symptoms in the +lungs only whereas in many patients it may have traveled to other parts of the body and symptoms are specific to that part only. Some patients may have general symptoms of not feeling well while many patients may not have any visible symptoms until cancer reaches an advanced level.

General symptoms:-  

  • Chest pain. 
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Coughing of blood.
  • Coughing that doesn't go away.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Weight loss without any reason. 
  • Wheezing

Lung cancer may cause some changes in patients like the repeated occurrence of pneumonia and enlarged glands inside the chest in the area between the lungs. If anyone has these symptoms or any of them he or she must contact the doctor without wasting time seeking appropriate medical intervention. 


Lungs cancer is categorized on the basis of the size and structure of the cells as small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer as seen through the microscope. Non-small cell lung cancers are the most common. To find out whether the patient has lung cancer the doctor will check the family history.

  • conduct a physical examination.
  • conduct image testing like chest X-Ray or chest CT scan.
  • do lab testing like tests of blood and sputum
  • conduct the biopsy of the patient's lungs.

Apart from the above, the doctor may perform other tests to see how far cancer has spread through the lungs, lymph nodes, and the rest of the body. This spread of cancerous tissues is called staging. Treatment is decided on the basis of the type and stage of lung cancer diagnosed.


After lung cancer is diagnosed further tests are conducted to see to what extent it has spread to different parts of the body. This process is called staging. On the basis of this finding like type and stage of the lung cancer the doctor decides the treatment. 


Treatment of lung cancer depends on the type and it's spread through the body. Non-small cell lung cancer patients are treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and sometimes a combination of all these. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy methods of treatment are mainly applied for the treatment of small-cell lung cancer. 

Surgery:- Doctors cut out and remove the cancerous tissues from the body of the patient.

Chemotherapy:- Medicines are given to the patient to shrink or kill the tumor or outgrown tissues.

Radiation Therapy:-  High energy rays are used to kill the tumor or cancerous growth.

Targeted Therapy:- Drugs are given to stop further growth and spread of cancerous cells. 

What treatment is right:- 

What is the right treatment is the question that frequently hits the minds of patients and their family members. Only the cancer specialist is the final authority in this respect therefore without wasting the time people with lung cancer must immediately approach the specialist cancer doctor. 



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