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Blood cancer- Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Blood :- 

Blood plays one of the most important parts of the functioning of the body. It is about 8% of the body weight in a person having normal health. Blood circulates throughout the vascular system of the body and carries with it oxygen, nutrients, hormones,, antibodies, etc to various organs of our body.

 Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma together make the blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and organs, white blood cells fight infections, platelets help in blood clotting to stop bleeding and plasma transports cells, waste, and nutrients.

 The body is made up of an uncountable number of tiny cells that make up every part of our body including blood.  In the normal process the cells of the blood die out in due course and they are replaced by new cells thus a balance is always maintained in a healthy body. This is how the body grows and repairs itself.

Blood Cancer and it's Causes:-

 Abnormal and excessive reproduction of white blood cells leads to blood cancer. It is a cancer of blood-forming tissues that harm the infection-fighting capacity of the body. Changes in DNA cause cells to multiply uncontrollably which results in blood cancer. Very little is known as to what causes these changes in our bodies. 

Overproduction of cells stops healthy cells working normally as a result the blood may not be able to fight infections and help repair the body. The risk of blood cancer may be affected by 



Family history 

Exposure to radiation.

Some health condition

Chemical reaction.

Types of Blood Cancer:-

Mainly there are three types of blood cancer

1.  Leukemia

2  Lymphoma

3.  Myeloma


It is the cancer of white blood cells. There is excessive reproduction of white blood cells in the patient as a result he is not able to fight infections. It also disturbs the production of red blood cells and platelets in the bone marrow. There are four types of leukemia.

 Leukemia can be either acute (fast-growing), or chronic ( slow-growing ) It affects the lymphocytes or other immune cells. Children below 15 years of age are at high risk.


It is the cancer of the lymphatic system . Lymph nodes filter out harmful substances and fight infections. It stimulates the uncontrollable growth of lymphocyte cells interrupting the normal functions of blood. About half of the cancer cases fall under this category. Some known type of this cancer is called Hodgkin's disease and others are called n0n-Hodgkin's disease.


Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, the main function of which is to produce antibodies to strengthen the immune system and to protect it from infections. Abnormal growth of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells weakens the immune system making the body susceptible to infections.


1.  Fatigue and weakness

2.  Loss of appetite, nausea

3.  Fever and chills

4.  Headache and night sweats

5.  Weight loss

6.  Joint pain

7.  Swollen lymph nodes in the neck and underarms

8.  Skin rashes or itching skin

9.  Frequent infections

10.   Shortness of breath

11.  Stomach disorder

Blood Cancer Treatment:-

Type of blood cancer, age of the patient, it's spread across the body and whether it is acute or chronic are the factors which are taken into the account while determining the course of treatment by the expert medical professional.

Stem cells transplantation:-

In this treatment healthy stem cells are taken from the bone marrow, circulating blood or umbilical cord blood and infused into the body of the patient of blood cancer.


In chemotherapy anticancer drugs are given to the patient to stop or slow down the growth of cancer cells in the body. Sometimes while treating a blood cancer patient a combination of drugs is administered to the patient as per the requirement of a medical condition.

Radiation Therapy:-

Radiation therapy is applied to destroy the cancerous cells through the beam. It also helps in reducing the pain or discomfort. It may also be given before stem cell transplant.

This blog only aims to create awareness so that any person with the above-mentioned symptoms can immediately approach the expert medical professional to get the best medical assistance in time.


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