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                          Reflexology is a system of treatment that claims to heal the body imbalances caused by the blockage of the flow of energy . This system of therapy originated supposedly in China and Egypt and from there it travelled to different part of the world including USA and Britain .  Willium Fitzgerald an American doctor introduced the zone therapy inUSA around 1913-1914 but it was physiotherapist Eunice Ingram who developed this zone therapy into what is today known as modern reflexology.

The Theory
       Reflexology works on the theory of correspondence between internal organs of the body and  outer parts of feet , hand and ears . This alternative system of medical practice believes that there are certain reflex points on the foot which are directly connected to various organs of the body . The system divides all the parts of the feet into different segments each representing a particular organ . When pressure and typical massage is applied to a particular segment then the related internal organ gets relief .  This is also called zone therapy as it divides the entire body into two major parts and each part has definite connection with reflex points on the foot .
It is not a Massage
The Reflexology is not massage . Massage is applied to the entire body and relief is felt only in that organ to which massage has been applied whereas in Reflexology there is claimed to be a biological relation between the fleshy parts of feet and hands and the vital internal organs. When pressure is applied on reflex points on feet a curable impact is felt in the particular organ .
How effective is it
The medical bodies across the globe have strongly disapproved the existence of any such relation between internal organs and their connection with different segments on the human foot . They simply call it a kind of massage that brings temporary relief when applied . In 1890s British scientists claimed that there is connection between skin and internal organs . It was also claimed that the central nervous system was sensitive to outside touch . Reflexologists generally use foot charts while applying pressures to specific reflex points .
How beneficial is it
The Reflexologists claim that reflexology an alternative medical practice provides definite relief in pain and anxiety , apart from that
1. It boosts immune system
2. Clears Sinus problems
3. Recovery from back problems
4. Improves harmonal imbalances
5. Fights Cancer
6. Helps body fight bacterial attacks.   
7. Improves human fertility
8. Heals arthritis
9. Helps in recovering from numbness caused by cancer drugs

                            It is widely believed that reflexology reduces pain , stress and anxiety and enhances sleep and overall relaxation. After reflexology session mostly people feel calm and quite relaxed and sometimes feel nausea , sleepiness and mood swings .
Not an alternative Medical System
                      Reflexology should not be taken as a proper treatment for any medical condition . I t can be used mainly as relaxing therapy for the whole body . It is easy and non-invasive  but must be taken with trained therapist .
                      Though any type of massage or any other touch therapy always has soothing and relaxing effect on mind and body but reflexology claims to cure a no of human illnesses on the basis of  a typical biological relationship between foot and internal organs and systems . However medical bodies world over have refused to approve it as a separate medical discipline .


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